
Free BUG membership is available to all Brisbane residents using the form below. As a member you will have a say in how the BUG operates and what improvements to the cycle network we will lobby for.

The signup form is also available at this link.

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Brisbane West Bicycle User Group membership signup form
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
* Indicates required question
Membership type *
Family membership only - how many people in your family?
Number of people in your immediate family (if selected family membership type)
First Name *
Your answer
Surname *
Your answer
Sex *
Email address *
Your answer
Mobile number *
Your answer
Can we contact you via text message for petitions, campaigns and events relating to your suburb? *
Alternate phone number
This is optional. Input an alternative number such as home or work phone number.
Your answer
Street number
Providing your street number is optional.
Your answer
Street Name *
Your answer
Suburb *
Your answer
How would you describe your interest and level of confidence in cycling? *
Pick the option most relvant to you.
Check all that apply. Reasons I ride a bike: *
If you have selected a family membership, select reasons that apply for any family member.
What specific bike routes/issues in your local area do you want addressed by Brisbane West BUG? Which suburbs? *
Your answer
What other cycling-related issues do you want addressed by Brisbane West BUG?
Your answer
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